
Meet the people who contribute to the astateful ecosystem


Thomas Kovacs

Webmaster and Creative Artist

Thomas first began developing websites in 1997 with the release of Microsoft Frontpage. He rode the initial wave of online Nintendo fandom that began with the release of Legend of Zelda 64 into a website called NGN Online, which later became 'gamequbed'. After closing Gamequbed in 2004, Thomas enrolled in the University of Waterloo where he studied Applied Mathematics and pursued his interests in History and the German language.

Since completing university in 2010 and moving to Europe in 2011, Thomas has parlayed his passion for web development into work experiences in both public and private sector enterprises. With the launch of astateful, Thomas continues to pursue his lifelong passion of custom CMS development. The astateful CMS currently drives his other interest which is personly, an anonymous personals matching website which makes it easily to meet anyone for any activity.